FIFA Mobile: Disponibile l’update 6.1

La scorsa settimana abbiamo rilasciato l’aggiornamento 6.1 per FIFA Mobile. Questo aggiornamento corregge diversi errori. Continua a leggere per conoscere nel dettaglio tutte le modifiche apportate a FIFA Mobile.


  • Fixed the issue with first-time shots always going to the center of the net
  • Fixed the issue where the user is not able to sprint after a skill move if the sprint button was pressed too quickly
  • Fixed the issue where players would accelerate slowly sometimes
  • Changed how matches end.
  • Allow players to perform free kicks and/or penalties even after the clock strikes 0:00.
  • Added extra time to perform an attempt on goal even after reaching 0:00 if the ball is in the air.

VS Attack

  • Fixed some issues with the display of feedback from your opponent when waiting for them to finish
  • Fixed some issues with the display of the score in the summary screen being incorrect
  • Addressed issues around matchmaking and instant failures when loading into VS Attack


  • Fixed many crash bugs
  • Market: removed the “confirm sell” popup and added in group separators (, in 10,000) when typing in prices in the Market
  • Made the display of OVR consistent and fair across all screens and modes. Note that this can result in the display OVR decreasing by 1 in some screens so that it matches the correct calculation
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